Articles in English

In the United States, the long-term real safe interest rate is the key mechanism influencing both the incentive to build and the balance of net exports
16 марта 2024 5 мин. 30419
How to strike the right balance between the state and the market, and ensure the proper functioning of both, has been debated for centuries
10 марта 2024 5 мин. 35437
The United States is in unusually good economic shape nowadays – no recession in sight
08 марта 2024 6 мин. 36810
Corporations are increasingly moving into the public-health domain
02 марта 2024 5 мин. 37760
The story of an IT entrepreneur from Kazakhstan who went from bankruptcy to successful business development and aimed at conquering the international market
26 февраля 2024 5 мин. 26329
The United States’ retreat from global leadership has weakened its alliances and emboldened despots like Russian President Vladimir Putin. But the US can start to repair some of this damage by demonstrating that it is willing to seize warmongers’ assets to compensate their victims
25 февраля 2024 5 мин. 32747
Since its inception with the launch of Bitcoin in 2008, blockchain technology has gone through numerous cycles of public attention
18 февраля 2024 11 мин. 37191
The 25th anniversary of the euro’s introduction, which has passed largely under the radar, offers an opportune moment to assess the current state of the greatest monetary experiment in modern history
11 февраля 2024 6 мин. 35942
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