Articles in English

Imagine a scenario where a private company effectively creates and controls its own jurisdiction within a sovereign country
01 декабря 2023 6 мин. 45450
In 1916, amid the horror of World War I, the American economist John Bates Clark made an observation that remains all too relevant
29 ноября 2023 5 мин. 25549
US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping’s San Francisco summit was a significant improvement on last year’s meeting in Bali. In particular, the two leaders made progress on achievable objectives, including the resumption of military-to-military communications and joint efforts to address the fentanyl crisis
26 ноября 2023 5 мин. 30318
The decision was made following the recommendation of the country's Foreign Minister
23 ноября 2023 2 мин. 33329
The growth dynamics of the Commercial Real Estate market in Kazakhstan
20 ноября 2023 5 мин. 28661
Chinese President Xi Jinping recently sought to assure a bipartisan delegation of US senators that China and the United States could still avoid a military confrontation despite the rising tensions between them
19 ноября 2023 5 мин. 23686
As the world was recovering from the pandemic, inflation shot up, owing to widespread disruptions to global supply chains and sudden changes in patterns of demand
14 ноября 2023 5 мин. 26918
All eyes are on the upcoming leaders’ meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), to be held in San Francisco from November 11-17
11 ноября 2023 5 мин. 25549
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