Articles in English

As someone who was born in 1948, the risk of a nuclear World War III was a very real part of my childhood. That threat – or at least the threat of East and West Germany both being completely destroyed – persisted until the end of Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union
31 августа 2017 0 6965
If you’ve finally decided to trade in your current ride after five or more years of faithful use, you’ll find a brave new world of advanced technology that either didn’t exist or was available only in limited higher-end models the last time you set foot in a new-car dealer’s showroom
29 августа 2017 0 5638
Last month, moviegoers flocked to theaters to see War for the Planet of the Apes, in which an army of retrovirus-modified primates wage war against humanity. Chimpanzees on horseback, machine-gun-wielding gorillas, and scholarly orangutans undoubtedly make for good theater. But could anything like this ever happen in real life?
28 августа 2017 0 5607
iTunes launched before the iPad, iPhone and iPod. The Microsoft Zune wasn't even a gleam in Steve Ballmer's eye. It was January 9th, 2001 and the music industry was under siege by Napster
25 августа 2017 0 4085
With the retaking of Mosul in northern Iraq, the Islamic State (ISIS) could soon be a thing of the past. But the defeat of ISIS and the demise of its self-proclaimed Iraqi-Syrian caliphate won’t bring peace to the Middle East, or even an end to the Syrian tragedy. Rather, it is likely to open a new chapter in the region’s bloody and chaotic history – one no less dangerous than the previous chapters since the fall of the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War I
24 августа 2017 0 8273
If you've turned to Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter or YouTube for fitness and wellness inspiration, it's very likely that you've been introduced to Tone It Up. In 2009, after meeting at a Manhattan Beach gym, Katrina Scott and Karena Dawn invested $3,000 of their own money and founded Tone It Up, a fitness lifestyle brand that has turned into a multi-million dollar business that inspires millions of women a year
23 августа 2017 0 10963
One of the issues I’ve always had with budgeting is that most budget reviews happen in hindsight after it’s too late to do anything about it. The challenge is finding a way to measure how you’re tracking against your budget without making it your new hobby. Here are six ways that I know of. (Hopefully, there’s at least one that you haven’t thought of before.)
22 августа 2017 0 4450
Whenever I give a presentation to the general public, there's one type of question I always get. Why should we spend money on this stuff? What good does it do? What about people who are starving in this country? What's in it for me?
21 августа 2017 0 5485
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