Articles in English

We all want our startup to be global, but unfortunately, few of us have a global budget. Most startups tend to put off global expansion until they see their next round of seed funding, or have a strong revenue flow
05 октября 2017 0 4354
With every new crisis that the world faces, humanity’s differences appear increasingly intractable. Religion, ethnicity, history, politics, and economics have all become tools to denigrate and demean. People seem to be drifting apart, and no country is immune from divisive discourse
04 октября 2017 0 6566
February of this year, I tweeted a chart that presented the idea of a PE ratio for Bitcoin, something I temporarily called MTV Ratio before my buddy Chris Burniske suggested the less confusing term of NVT Ratio (Network Value to Transactions Ratio). Later in May, Chris was the first to present NVT Ratio at Token Summit 2017
03 октября 2017 0 5929
It’s monsoon season in Asia – marking an end to months of scorching temperatures
02 октября 2017 0 5326
Unless it’s all a mirage and James Cameron is playing a giant con, it would appear that filming has indeed begun on the four planned Avatar sequels
29 сентября 2017 0 8261
Joe Arpaio, the former sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona, who was convicted of contempt of court for defying a federal judge’s order to stop racially profiling and arbitrarily detaining Latinos in the name of catching illegal immigrants, is no stranger to controversy
28 сентября 2017 0 4178
From a cash diet to cutting the Netflix cord, fall 2017 is all about saving that moolah for millennials
27 сентября 2017 0 8224
Not too long ago, the only journalists working in conflict areas who might be afforded protection were those working for wealthy, predominantly Western news organizations. These journalists would attend expensive courses run by former special forces personnel, who trained them to navigate hostile environments. They would be furnished with flak jackets and helmets, and given first aid kits
26 сентября 2017 4 мин. 4887
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