
In his opening address at the 2016 Nobel Prize Award Ceremony, Nobel Foundation Chairman Carl-Henrik Heldin drew parallels between our current milieu and the late nineteenth-century world in which Alfred Nobel lived and worked
Helga Nowotny 09 февраля 2017 0 9248
Что думают известные милиардеры, писатели и мыслители об искусстве быть предпринимателем
Forbes 07 февраля 2017 0 19883
Over the last few decades, globalization ushered in an unparalleled period of economic growth that helped reduce global inequality and create new opportunities for economic development. Nearly 1.1 billion people have been lifted out of extreme poverty since 1990, reducing their share of the global population from 35% to under 10%, according to recent estimates
Joaquim Levy 06 февраля 2017 0 12663
With the calendar moving to March comes the opportunity to reflect on progression toward our goals for 2017. But how many people looked back in December and actually kept their 2016 New Year’s resolutions? Very few
Forbes 05 февраля 2017 5 мин. 12995
Donald Trump is now the 45th President of the United States, and in his inaugural address he made it clear to the assembled US establishment that his administration does not intend to pursue business as usual. His motto, “America first,” signals the renunciation, and possible destruction, of the US-led world order that Democratic and Republican presidents, starting with Franklin D. Roosevelt, have built up and maintained – albeit with varying degrees of success – for more than seven decades
Joschka Fischer 04 февраля 2017 0 9909
Этот вопрос всегда занимал граждан. На самом деле здесь как в идиоме со стаканом: с одной точки зрения, он наполовину полон, с другой – наполовину пуст
Евгений Долбилин 02 февраля 2017 0 15059
Мировое сообщество стремится достичь глобальной прозрачности, когда все доходы будут задекларированы и страны будут иметь взаимный доступ для получения и проверки такой информации
Агайша Ибрашева 01 февраля 2017 0 11494
Think New York City isn't affordable? Think again
Forbes 01 февраля 2017 3 мин. 13275
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