
The United Kingdom is accelerating the rollout of a social security scheme only Ebenezer Scrooge could love. The “universal credit” program replaces six different welfare benefits – such as the child tax credit and the housing benefit – with one. The goal is to incentivize employment, and to create an online system that is easier to use.
Ngaire Woods 09 января 2018 4 мин. 7048
We live in a time of geopolitical transition. China’s effort to replace the United States as the world’s leading power, or at least to become a co-partner in global leadership, deservedly receives much attention. But the macro-level dynamics that have long defined the Middle East are also shifting, and here, too, US influence is likely to diminish
Joschka Fischer 05 января 2018 4.6 мин. 9159
After falling for more than a decade, the number of hungry people in the world is rising once again
Project Syndicate 03 января 2018 4.6 мин. 12801
Мысли выдающихся людей об искусстве
Forbes Kazakhstan 02 января 2018 55 сек. 12959
Об этом сам президент рассказал, выступая вечером четверга, 28 декабря, на благотворительном балу в Астане
29 декабря 2017 1.2 мин. 7446
Yemen and South Sudan are, in many ways, worlds apart. But, despite vast differences in history, tradition, and culture, both countries share one painful feature: their people are now bearing the brunt of two of the most devastating manmade crises: violent conflict and climate change
Project Syndicate 29 декабря 2017 4.3 мин. 6467
О посткризисной ситуации в Казахстане, "потерянном двадцатилетии" Японии и фонде благосостояния Норвегии напоминает в интервью Forbes Kazakhstan партнер международной компании Scot Holland | CBRE Евгений Долбилин
Александр Воротилов 20 декабря 2017 0 25512
Default is back. Sovereign finances weathered a wrenching global recession and a collapse in commodity prices surprisingly well over the past few years. But failed economic models cannot limp along forever, and the slow bleeding of the economies of Puerto Rico and Venezuela have now forced their leaders to say “no mas” to repaying creditors
Project Syndicate 14 декабря 2017 0 12745
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