Articles in English

LOS ANGELES – Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), a seemingly new approach to economic policy, has become a hot topic, gaining support from leading US progressives such as presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. But MMT enthusiasts should heed lessons learned in Latin America, where policies based on similar ideas inevitably ended in economic catastrophe
27 мая 2019 5 мин. 6405
Tesla has entered a dangerous phase in its relatively short life, shifting from a company many believed had vast long-term growth potential to a “distressed-credit and restructuring” story, according to an influential Wall Street analyst
24 мая 2019 3 мин. 8656
Reward and Recognition: How to motivate public servants in the 21st century, Astana Economic Forum on “Inspiring Growth: People, Cities, Economies”, on 16-17 May 2019
23 мая 2019 6 мин. 7537
How Assel Kalyk has founded a design and architecture studio and why she intends to engage in turnkey construction
22 мая 2019 6 мин. 10700
This ‘Game of Thrones’ Fan Demands A Rewrite—And 1.2 Million Sign Petition
22 мая 2019 6 мин. 8497
WASHINGTON, DC – Not content with its trade war against China, US President Donald Trump’s administration has also opened bilateral trade negotiations with Japan. Yet whatever Trump hopes to achieve with Japan, it will be far less than what he threw away when he abandoned the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in early 2017
21 мая 2019 5 мин. 9888
NEW DELHI – Much has been written about the consequences of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), especially for the developing countries of Asia. Yet another, equally consequential phenomenon has gone largely unnoticed: China’s upending of trade relationships with those countries
20 мая 2019 5 мин. 7413
JPMorgan Chase is the largest public company in the United States, according to the 17th annual Forbes Global 2000 list
17 мая 2019 2 мин. 8848
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