Articles in English

CAMBRIDGE – Revelations that a whistleblower from the intelligence community has accused US President Donald Trump of making inappropriate promises to a foreign leader have reignited the hopes that recently hung on the report of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Many of those exasperated with Trump’s norm-violating, truth-bending, and polarizing presidency had believed that the system would somehow discipline, restrain, or remove him. Yet these hopes were misguided then, and they are misguided now
27 сентября 2019 6 мин. 13005
ATHENS – During his tenure as President of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi forged a variety of weapons that he deployed to shield the eurozone from menacing deflationary forces. Without them, the euro would have been history. However, the deflationary specter haunting Europe was never truly defeated and is now back with considerable vengeance
26 сентября 2019 5 мин. 12977
Facebook is under four separate antitrust investigations, including the one being conducted by the FTC
25 сентября 2019 2 мин. 8212
Philosopher Frances Bacon once compared all negotiations with sowing – you need to take into consideration many factors in sowing your seeds in order to get fruitful results. Indeed negotiations are part of our everyday life and everyday business, so it is fundamental to master negotiation skills. Here are seven essential steps for developing strategies for effective negotiations
24 сентября 2019 4 мин. 16055
WASHINGTON, DC – Imagine a man who has lived too extravagantly and eventually must go to the doctor for treatment of an acute disease, along with several other chronic conditions. The doctor prescribes a ten-day course of antibiotics, and advises his patient to start taking better care of himself. After three days of taking the pills and following the doctor’s orders, the man feels much better. But he finds the quiet life painful, so he forgets the medicine and his doctor’s advice and doubles down on debauchery
23 сентября 2019 5 мин. 12617
While leaders of the Democratic House Oversight Committee voiced frustration with the limited details in the Pentagon’s response, “it still reveals that far more taxpayer funds have been spent at the President’s resort than previously known,” they wrote back to the Pentagon on Wednesday
20 сентября 2019 2 мин. 12233
LONDON – The idea that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is a man of the people, a tribune of the common man fighting the established elites, might seem anomalous, even outright bizarre. After all, Johnson is a perfect example of the English elite: educated at Eton and Oxford, and possessed of all the exaggerated mannerisms, in speech and demeanor, of the British upper class. As a journalist and Member of Parliament, he has been mischievous and frequently dishonest, but always a committed voice of the Conservative establishment
19 сентября 2019 5 мин. 11703
NEW DELHI – At the United Nations General Assembly meetings in New York later this month, world leaders will discuss a host of important issues – not least progress toward meeting the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. And some of the SDGs are highly topical, including those on climate action, decent work and economic growth, quality education, and partnerships to achieve the goals
18 сентября 2019 4 мин. 12571
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