Articles in English

China’s market regulator is pursuing an investigation into Alibaba for alleged monopolistic practices, dealing yet another blow to the country’s largest tech company
28 декабря 2020 2 мин. 5978
AUSTIN – As anyone who has ever been responsible for legislative oversight of central bankers knows, they do not like to have their authority challenged. Most of all, they will defend their mystique – that magical aura that hovers over their words, shrouding a slushy mix of banality and baloney in a mist of power and jargon
25 декабря 2020 5 мин. 6415
WASHINGTON, DC – The world has received the best possible gift for the coming year. The development of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines in such a short time is something close to a medical miracle and portends an end to the crisis that dominated 2020
24 декабря 2020 5 мин. 7679
By Stuart Whatley
23 декабря 2020 11 мин. 12401
Tesla’s market capitalization of $620 billion would command about 1.5% of the S&P 500’s total market value
22 декабря 2020 4 мин. 5321
The bill will almost certainly escalate tensions between China and the U.S. as President Trump prepares to leave office next month
21 декабря 2020 2 мин. 5772
It’s been a year of pandemic-driven lockdowns, political upheaval and—especially for the planet’s richest people—incredible wealth gains
20 декабря 2020 4 мин. 8817
NEW DELHI – India’s capital is under siege from more than two million farmers, who are currently gathered at the city’s border in a massive protest that started two weeks ago. Old and young men, women, and even children from farming families are camping on open roads in the bitter cold of a Delhi winter. They have abandoned their concerns about viral infection and come prepared for the long haul, bringing enough food to last for several months
15 декабря 2020 5 мин. 6514
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