Articles in English

COPENHAGEN – There are encouraging signs of progress in the fight against climate change
19 сентября 2021 7 мин. 8563
Kaspi Marketplace is creating new opportunities for small and medium-sized businesses in Kazakhstan
16 сентября 2021 2 мин. 9717
NEW DELHI – The International Development Association is the part of the World Bank that is meant to help the world’s poorest countries
11 сентября 2021 6 мин. 7791
NEW YORK – The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is unambiguous. Humanity has already emitted enough greenhouse gases to raise the atmospheric temperature by at least 1.5° Celsius above pre-industrial levels
07 сентября 2021 5 мин. 7907
Almaty Metropolitan line should be circled in ring and extended based on existing and modernized railway track of Kazakh national railway KTZ
06 сентября 2021 4 мин. 7761
BEIJING/WASHINGTON, DC – Four years ago, we argued that the rise of electric vehicles (EVs) would upend both the auto industry and the oil market. As with the rapid displacement of horses by motor vehicles in the United States a century ago, the exponential increase in EVs would result in their takeover of the global auto market by the early 2040s
05 сентября 2021 5 мин. 6577
BEIJING – Among educated and internationally savvy Chinese, no current topic is more despised than the bickering over Chinese and American medal counts at the Tokyo Olympics
04 сентября 2021 5 мин. 6985
NEW YORK – The world has finally awoken to the existential imperative of securing a rapid transition to a green economy. Finance will play a pivotal role in that process
30 августа 2021 5 мин. 6517
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