Articles in English

Zimbabwe’s generals took President Robert Mugabe into custody in an effective coup (though they insist on not calling it that). Days later, the country’s ruling party, the Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF), moved to expel the 93-year-old president from its ranks. But it may not have been Mugabe himself, the quintessential “big man” leader, who catalyzed this revolt, despite the ruthlessness that has characterized his nearly four-decade rule. Quite the contrary, it may have been Mugabe’s possible successor – his wife, Grace
12 декабря 2017 0 12965
The FGRT team is busy preparing our 2018 forecasts for what is traditionally our most-read report of the year — our annual retail and tech trends report
11 декабря 2017 0 6387
The decision indicates the ongoing evolution of crypto-currencies
09 декабря 2017 0 5162
Ask anyone with a basic knowledge of Africa which country is more poised for success – Zimbabwe or Kenya – and he or she will undoubtedly answer “Kenya.” Events of the last week would seem to confirm that verdict
08 декабря 2017 0 7619
Bitcoin price prediction is just the start
07 декабря 2017 0 49209
In mid-November, Kazakhstan hosted the third annual “Astana Club,” a new independent and unbiased platform for dialogue among international experts, politicians, and media representatives on the “critical issues affecting all the countries of Eurasia.” The event epitomized Kazakhstan’s foreign policy over the last two decades, at a moment when that policy is set to confront unprecedented tests
06 декабря 2017 0 36999
Twitter offers a wealth of connectivity. You can quickly engage with clients, answer questions and draw in potential users through sharing unique content or valuable advice
05 декабря 2017 0 5023
In the fight against HIV/AIDS, some stories illuminate the long road to global eradication more than others. In 2009, I heard one such story in Tanzania
04 декабря 2017 0 5641
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