Articles in English

Indonesia’s Citarum River­, blackened by debris beyond recognition, has been dubbed the most polluted river in the world
23 апреля 2018 4 мин. 5960
“Don’t get mad, get even.” That aphorism needs to become the new norm in democratic politics across Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Africa. Rather than complaining about populist successes, established political parties should take a page from the populist playbook. Three lessons, in particular, cry out for attention
20 апреля 2018 5 мин. 7038
Asset allocation is important. Just how important is not so easy to determine
19 апреля 2018 4 мин. 8371
Europe has a decision to make. It can stand by as nationalism and authoritarianism flourish from the United States (with Donald Trump’s “America First” approach) to China (which is moving from a single-party system to a single-leader regime). Or it can lead a reinvigoration of democratic values and international cooperation, at a time when rapid technology-driven change demands major political, economic, and social reforms
18 апреля 2018 5 мин. 5939
If something goes wrong, first look to blame your customer. That appears to be the latest nugget of intergalactic wisdom from Elon Musk
17 апреля 2018 3 мин. 5170
The trade skirmish between the United States and China on steel, aluminum, and other goods is a product of US President Donald Trump’s scorn for multilateral trade arrangements and the World Trade Organization, an institution that was created to adjudicate trade disputes
16 апреля 2018 5 мин. 7344
Large groups of people can turn into a mob when whipped into a fury by grandstanding politicians and hyperbolic headlines
13 апреля 2018 2 мин. 5647
Tennis star Serena Williams’ harrowing story of life-threatening complications after the birth of her daughter reminds us that childbirth is potentially deadly for any woman or newborn. Williams suffered a pulmonary embolism – a blood clot in her lung. After advocating for herself, she received the lifesaving care she needed. Millions of women around the world do not
12 апреля 2018 4 мин. 3839
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