Articles in English

Starting out in rocket science and computer programming, if you would have told me then that there’s a science to happiness I would have laughed. And actually that would have made me a little happier (see #7). Today there’s solid research on techniques that can increase your happiness and fulfillment in life
16 июля 2018 3 мин. 9092
President Donald Trump delivered a forceful rebuke to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg during a bilateral breakfast ahead of a NATO summit in Brussels
13 июля 2018 3 мин. 4256
Freelancing has its advantages, and it’s especially appealing to corporate employees who feel overworked and underappreciated. When deciding whether to strike out on their own, people tend to focus on the perks, like being their own boss and setting their own rates. What people often underestimate are the challenges, such as chasing down clients who never paid you
12 июля 2018 4 мин. 5396
«What gets measured gets improved.» We all know this Peter Drucker quote, and many of us readily recognize the importance of key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics
11 июля 2018 4 мин. 3768
President Ronald Reagan famously said “trust but verify” during disarmament talks with the Soviet Union. His signature phrase applies just as strongly to hiring people as it does to superpower negotiations
10 июля 2018 4 мин. 4792
UK Minister for Investment Graham Stuart gave an interview to
09 июля 2018 3 мин. 4464
The Wall Street Journal reported that Colgate is negotiating to make a minority investment in the startup Hubble, an online seller of contact lenses by subscription
05 июля 2018 4 мин. 3787
Between escalating trade disputes and the divisions at the G7’s summit this month, the breakdown of global governance has become starkly apparent. The United States can no longer be counted on to uphold, much less enforce, existing rules, and countries more broadly cannot be assumed to agree on, much less adhere to, a common set of norms. Does this mean the rules-based world order is doomed?
04 июля 2018 5 мин. 6587
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