Articles in English

When Donald Trump opened Trump Tower in 1983, it marked a seminal moment in American retail, as six stories of glitzy shops like Harry Winston and Cartier beckoned luxury buyers who strode past a live pianist and a 60-foot indoor waterfall
03 октября 2018 12 мин. 12598
If you are fortunate enough to have purchased Tesla shares at a price below $270.90 -- where it traded after-hours on September 27 -- I firmly believe you should take those profits this morning
02 октября 2018 4 мин. 6036
As it was widely expected to do, the Federal Open Market Committee decided unanimously on Wednesday to raise the target range for the federal funds rate by one quarter of a percentage point to 2% to 2.5%
01 октября 2018 3 мин. 5162
Last month in Buenos Aires, Elizabeth, a 34-year-old mother of two, died after inserting parsley into her cervix in a desperate attempt to induce an abortion. Days earlier, Argentina’s Senate had narrowly defeated legislation that would have legalized abortion in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. If that bill had passed, Elizabeth might be alive today. Instead, she is a grim statistic: one of more than 40 Argentinian women who will die this year from botched abortions
28 сентября 2018 5 мин. 6503
Brian Acton, 46, sits in a cafe of the glitzy Four Seasons Hotel in Palo Alto, California, and the only way you’d guess he might be worth $3.6 billion is the $20 tip he briskly leaves for his coffee
27 сентября 2018 15 мин. 10849
Every advertising executive knows the difference between marketing and propaganda. One uses facts to espouse a point of view, while the other relies on falsehoods and deceit. But if the difference is truth, what is the commonality? For scientists, it is dopamine. And for the processed food industry, that fact has been worth trillions of dollars
26 сентября 2018 6 мин. 6314
Alibaba Chairman Jack Ma has broken his promise to create one million jobs
25 сентября 2018 3 мин. 7078
As the number of overseas nationals working in Kazakhstan continues to grow, the issue of confirming taxes paid in Kazakhstan is becoming more and more topical
24 сентября 2018 4 мин. 13222
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