Articles in English

If you ask most central bankers around the world what their plan is for dealing with the next normal-size recession, you would be surprised how many (at least in advanced economies) say “fiscal policy.” Given the high odds of a recession over the next two years – around 40% in the United States, for example – monetary policymakers who think fiscal policy alone will save the day are setting themselves up for a rude awakening
17 января 2019 4 мин. 11038
It’s old news that large segments of society have become deeply unhappy with what they see as “the establishment,” especially the political class. The “Yellow Vest” protests in France, triggered by President Emmanuel Macron’s move to hike fuel taxes in the name of combating climate change, are but the latest example of the scale of this alienation
16 января 2019 5 мин. 16246
Damir Karassayev told Forbes about his work at KASE, telecommunications companies in Nepal and Cambodia, purchase and subsequent sale of the Advanced Bank of Asia (ABA) and reasons behind setting up a financial company in Singapore
15 января 2019 10 мин. 23061
When it comes to saying goodbye, a divorce among the ultrarich can be as outsized as the rest of their lives. Jeff Bezos, the Amazon founder who has become the world’s wealthiest person, may be the next to find this out: He announced plans to divorce longtime wife Mackenzie yesterday, and in the end she could walk away with tens of billions of dollars, which would represent the largest divorce settlement in history by far. But the Bezoses are hardly the first moneyed couple not to last until death did them part
15 января 2019 9 мин. 10785
Last year was a watershed for gender relations. The #MeToo movement rocked establishments around the world, forcing even powerful men to face public scrutiny for their behavior toward women
14 января 2019 5 мин. 10809
With equities slumping, exchange-rate volatility increasing, and political risks intensifying, financial markets around the world have hit a rough patch. During times like these, international investors generally grow cautious and prioritize safety over returns, so money flees to “safe havens” that can provide secure, liquid investment-grade assets on a sufficiently large scale. But there are no obvious safe havens today. For the first time in living memory, investors lack a quiet port where they can find shelter from the storm
11 января 2019 4 мин. 7506
Climate scientists are sounding the alarm about global warming, but the world is not responding. In October, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned of catastrophic risks to health, livelihoods, water supplies, and human security if global warming is not limited to 1.5° Celsius relative to the pre-industrial level, a target set by the 2015 Paris climate agreement. At the moment, however, we are on track for a 3°C increase
10 января 2019 5 мин. 9526
Twenty years ago this month, the euro was born. For ordinary citizens, little changed until cash euros were introduced in 2002. But in January 1999, the “third stage” of Economic and Monetary Union officially started, with the exchange rates among the original 11 eurozone member states “irrevocably” fixed, and authority over their monetary policy transferred to the new European Central Bank. What has unfolded since then holds important lessons for the future
09 января 2019 5 мин. 8991
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