Jayati Ghosh

Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst

is a member of the Club of Rome’s Transformational Economics Commission and Co-Chair of the Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation

NEW DELHI – At the United Nations General Assembly meetings in New York later this month, world leaders will discuss a host of important issues – not least progress toward meeting the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. And some of the SDGs are highly topical, including those on climate action, decent work and economic growth, quality education, and partnerships to achieve the goals
18 сентября 2019 4 мин. 12570
NEW DELHI – The process of selecting the International Monetary Fund’s next managing director must change. In particular, the tradition of choosing a European for the post – based on an unfair and anachronistic “gentlemen’s agreement” reached with the United States when the institution was established 75 years ago – needs to be discarded. But even more important, the IMF’s longstanding approach to lending should be transformed
19 августа 2019 5 мин. 13306
NEW DELHI – Since reducing inequality became an official goal of the international community, income disparities have widened. This trend, typically blamed on trade liberalization and technological advances that have weakened the bargaining power of labor vis-à-vis capital, has generated a political backlash in many countries, with voters blaming their economic plight on “others” rather than on national policies. And such sentiments of course merely aggravate social tensions without addressing the root causes of worsening inequality
18 июля 2019 4 мин. 6909
NEW DELHI – Sharp price increases for essential and life-saving medicines have generated a political backlash against the pharmaceutical industry in the United States. In February, the US Senate Committee on Finance scolded industry representatives for pursuing policies that are “morally repugnant.” Since then, 44 US state governments have filed a lawsuit against Israel-based Teva Pharmaceuticals and 19 other companies, alleging conspiracy to stifle competition for generic drugs and illegal profiteering from over 100 different medicines
12 июня 2019 5 мин. 7602
NEW DELHI – Much has been written about the consequences of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), especially for the developing countries of Asia. Yet another, equally consequential phenomenon has gone largely unnoticed: China’s upending of trade relationships with those countries
20 мая 2019 5 мин. 7412
NEW DELHI – For some time now, multinational companies (MNCs) have been gaming the rules of the global economy to minimize their tax liability – or even eliminate it altogether. And for some time now, the Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation (ICRICT) has argued for the unitary taxation of MNCs. Fortunately, there have been some encouraging recent signs that the idea of a unitary tax is gaining traction
17 апреля 2019 5 мин. 12362
Confounding the grim prediction made by the British economist Thomas Malthus in 1798, the world currently produces more than enough food for a population that has increased almost tenfold since then
18 марта 2019 5 мин. 11204
Last year was a watershed for gender relations. The #MeToo movement rocked establishments around the world, forcing even powerful men to face public scrutiny for their behavior toward women
14 января 2019 5 мин. 10808
It has taken far too long, but it seems that the International Monetary Fund has finally internalized some hard truths about sovereign-debt reduction
23 апреля 2023 4 мин. 86841
Among the multiple crises that have erupted around the world, the avoidable tragedy of growing hunger receives only fleeting mention
23 октября 2023 5 мин. 79168
Globally, the richest 10% of the population is responsible for more than half of all CO2 emissions
19 декабря 2021 5 мин. 76680
While inflation in the advanced economies has subsided, this is largely because the forces that fueled the latest bout of inflation – spikes in global food and fuel prices, as well as supply-chain disruptions – have subsided
10 декабря 2023 12 мин. 74051
Despite the well-known problems with using gross domestic product as an indicator of human development, policymakers around the world still seem to be obsessed with it
09 июля 2022 5 мин. 69163
Many people around the world already consider the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow a disappointment
18 ноября 2021 5 мин. 66964
The World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, has always been more than a little problematic
22 января 2023 4 мин. 56871
Any optimism about India’s economic prospects must be tempered by its inability to address two related challenges
15 января 2024 5 мин. 54966
Carbon pricing is all the rage these days, at least in the developed world
23 марта 2023 6 мин. 46538
The recent Paris Summit for a New Global Financing Pact was touted by its organizers, including French President Emmanuel Macron, as a groundbreaking initiative to forge a «new contract» between the Global North and South that would address climate change and foster sustainable development
15 июля 2023 6 мин. 46348
Kim Stanley Robinson’s prescient science-fiction novel The Ministry for the Future begins with a stark description of a major heat wave in a northern Indian city that kills millions of people
21 мая 2022 5 мин. 37396
It is difficult to see any winners in the ongoing war caused by Russia’s irrational and devastating invasion of Ukraine
12 марта 2022 5 мин. 41717
The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai is an opportunity to reflect on what these large, costly, and carbon-intensive international summits aim to achieve
14 декабря 2023 5 мин. 43572
Confounding the grim prediction made by the British economist Thomas Malthus in 1798, the world currently produces more than enough food for a population that has increased almost tenfold since then
18 марта 2019 5 мин. 11204
After four decades of fostering integration through trade and finance, the global economy has begun a painful process of fragmentation
25 декабря 2022 5 мин. 32791
NEW DELHI – For some time now, multinational companies (MNCs) have been gaming the rules of the global economy to minimize their tax liability – or even eliminate it altogether. And for some time now, the Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation (ICRICT) has argued for the unitary taxation of MNCs. Fortunately, there have been some encouraging recent signs that the idea of a unitary tax is gaining traction
17 апреля 2019 5 мин. 12362
The World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, has always been more than a little problematic
22 января 2023 4 мин. 56871
The recent Paris Summit for a New Global Financing Pact was touted by its organizers, including French President Emmanuel Macron, as a groundbreaking initiative to forge a «new contract» between the Global North and South that would address climate change and foster sustainable development
15 июля 2023 6 мин. 46348
Over the past two decades, Indian multi-billionaire Gautam Adani’s close ties to Prime Minister Narendra Modi have helped the Gujarati businessman become Asia’s wealthiest person
26 февраля 2023 6 мин. 38661
Last year was a watershed for gender relations. The #MeToo movement rocked establishments around the world, forcing even powerful men to face public scrutiny for their behavior toward women
14 января 2019 5 мин. 10808

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