Benjamin Franklin once joked, “You may delay, but time will not!” Time and again, the experience of my students illustrates that one of the most important steps in moving forward in project management is an ability to “close” previous projects: completely, effectively and on time
Philosopher Frances Bacon once compared all negotiations with sowing – you need to take into consideration many factors in sowing your seeds in order to get fruitful results. Indeed negotiations are part of our everyday life and everyday business, so it is fundamental to master negotiation skills. Here are seven essential steps for developing strategies for effective negotiations
Oscar Wilde once said that “Success is a science; if you have the conditions, you get the result!” One of the conditions most conducive to positive results is good, effective planning, and especially strategic planning. In many countries and on many university campuses it is the tradition to make New Years wishes and promises to ourselves and to our friends and relatives. However, students often tell me that they lack the strategic planning skills to make their wishes, plans and dreams come true. Here is an effective model for improving your strategic planning skills
When a deadline is approaching for submitting a project or assignment, many of my students (and managers around me) start wondering about effective time management. They ask how great achievers of our time, like Elon Musk and Jack Ma, can handle so many projects at once and effectively manage their precious time. My answer is that they use sophisticated scientific approaches to effective time management. Here are six essential steps for developing strategies for effective time management
Albert Einstein once said that creative imagination is “to regard old problems from a new angle.” Indeed many modern business studies suggest that the workplace in the 21st century requires creativity skills and these skills are in high demand in our rapidly changing world. My students typically ask me for some magic key or formula to develop their creative thinking and creativity skills. It is not that simple, but it is possible—and here is how you can go about it
Philosopher Frances Bacon once compared all negotiations with sowing – you need to take into consideration many factors in sowing your seeds in order to get fruitful results. Indeed negotiations are part of our everyday life and everyday business, so it is fundamental to master negotiation skills. Here are seven essential steps for developing strategies for effective negotiations
When a deadline is approaching for submitting a project or assignment, many of my students (and managers around me) start wondering about effective time management. They ask how great achievers of our time, like Elon Musk and Jack Ma, can handle so many projects at once and effectively manage their precious time. My answer is that they use sophisticated scientific approaches to effective time management. Here are six essential steps for developing strategies for effective time management
Many investors, businesses and even governments around the world chase after innovative business ideas from young and not so young people and provide all kinds of support (often free) to incubate start-up ideas and projects
Albert Einstein once said that creative imagination is “to regard old problems from a new angle.” Indeed many modern business studies suggest that the workplace in the 21st century requires creativity skills and these skills are in high demand in our rapidly changing world. My students typically ask me for some magic key or formula to develop their creative thinking and creativity skills. It is not that simple, but it is possible—and here is how you can go about it
Every year, many of my students speak with fear about articles they’ve read listing professions which are disappearing or becoming obsolete in the near future
Benjamin Franklin once joked, “You may delay, but time will not!” Time and again, the experience of my students illustrates that one of the most important steps in moving forward in project management is an ability to “close” previous projects: completely, effectively and on time
25 января 20214 мин.8432
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